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Stuff have posted a great article on our flagship products Organic Phyto C, CMD & Elite. The article outlines the significance and importance of having quality natural product free of toxic fillers or artificial preservatives, wherever possible. Read the full story here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/wellbeing/132435945/why-quality-matters-when-it-comes-to-your-daily-supplements
Join Robin for our 4th webinar in the Quantum RX Product Mastery Series. Robin Day will be discussing some unique characteristics and therapeutic benefits of our capsule range of vitamins and minerals including organics and differences compared to our Elemental Mineral range.

At BioTrace we pride ourselves on providing primarily food based supplements with an emphasis on purity. As always Robin will be sharing valuable clinical pearls on his experience using these products in clinic.
The webinar will be LIVE on Zoom at 10am Thursday 6th August and Robin will be speaking for approximately 30 - 45 minutes and we will then be accepting questions via the Q&A feature in your Zoom application. Please feel free to ask any questions during the webinar and we will answer as many of them as possible once the presentation is complete.

Register Now & Reserve Your Seat:
Join Robin for our 3rd webinar in the BioTrace Product Mastery Series. Robin is going to cover our Digestion and Detoxification products and provide insight on how he has used these in clinic to optimise digestive processes and enable safe detoxification.

Detoxification is one of the most vital processes the body undertakes, it occurs naturally when our body’s digestion is functioning efficiently and is not overburdened. It filters out the toxins that is introduced into the body by the food we consume and the environment we live in. The body detoxifies in order to manage weight, provide energy, support the organs, maintain the immune system, improve cognitive abilities, and improving skin and hair condition.

Robin will also provide useful information about HTMA and OligoScan testing for you to use when discussing with your clients.

The webinar will be LIVE on Zoom at 10am Thursday 2nd July and Robin will be speaking for approximately 45 minutes and we will then be accepting questions via the Q&A feature in your Zoom application. Please feel free to ask any questions during the webinar and we will answer as many of them as possible once the presentation is complete.

Register Now & Reserve Your Seat:
The team at BioTrace are proud to present the second Product Mastery Webinar Module. Robin Day will talk all about the BioTrace QRX Botanical Range. These wildcrafted tinctures are sourced ecologically from South America and have a long standing history as powerful remedies. Robin will guide you through the different herbs and possible application in clinic, and sharing his clinical experience with these special products.

The webinar will be LIVE on Zoom at 10am Thursday 4th June and Robin will be speaking for approximately 30 minutes and we will then be accepting questions via the Q&A feature in your Zoom application. Please Feel free to ask any questions during the webinar and we will answer as many of them as possible once the presentation is complete.

Register Now & Reserve Your Seat

To register, log in to the website with your practitioner account. If you do not currently have a website account, you can sign up for an account here or contact us to take care of this for you. If you have not attended a Zoom webinar previously, we recommend pre-installing the Zoom software to prevent any delays accessing the webinar on the day.
BioTrace is offering a complementary series of QuantumRX Product Mastery to enhance your practice, and gain more understanding of our product range. Join Robin Day for this exclusive webinar series as he shares in-depth knowledge on the QRX range of products.

We want to provide as much support to our practitioner community during these extraordinary circumstances of COVID-19 and we will be offering this series for FREE in these challenging times.

Robin will kick off the series with an in depth webinar on the QuantumRX elemental mineral range. He will share clinical pearls of his extensive experience using these versatile and well absorbed minerals.

The webinar will be LIVE on Zoom at 10am Thursday 7th May and will be followed by a live Q&A session after the presentation. We will also have practitioners on standby during the webinar to answer any burning questions you may have.

Register & Reserve Your Seat Now At:

To register, log in to the website with your practitioner account. If you do not currently have a website account, you can sign up for an account here or contact us to take care of this for you. If you have not attended a Zoom webinar previously, we recommend pre-installing the Zoom software to prevent any delays accessing the webinar on the day.

Upcoming Modules:
Module 2: Botanicals
Gain a greater understanding on the South American Botanical Herb range. Understanding more about these powerful herbs and how Robin has been using them in his practice.

More modules coming soon...
Happy Valentine’s beautiful people! Celebrate love all around and if you want to give a loved one the gift of health. Check out our online store! We have lots of nourishing supplements to give your body all the love it needs 🍃
CMD Essentials 🍃
Major key 🔑 Phyto B and Biovital Enzymes. Our products really do make a noticeable difference. Enzymes are useful for those that have sluggish digestion, and need help breaking down their food for adequate absorption and rendering of nutrients for food, they can also help reduce digestive inflammation and bring more energy to the body. B Vitamins are rapidly used by the body especially the adrenals along with trace-mineral coenzymes, if you’re stressed then these two can be a helpful combination to help the digestive system and the stress response as well as providing support to the cells for energy. Both of these are vegan plant based forms of Enzymes and B Vitamins. For more details, check out our website 🍃
Morning ritual // We have added @supermesmoothies and extra Multi Trace Minerals and Vitamin C 🍃 What’s your morning routine?
Did you know that these are Schisandra berries, also known as (Schisandra chinensis). .

This pretty berry is used extensively in traditional Chinese practice. Research studies show that it may support heart health, liver, kidney and brain function.

It is also one of the herbs in our Bio Adapt Formula. Which is a lovely product to help with Stress and fatigue support. It may also support brain health, support healthy ageing, exercise recovery and heart health.

See link in our bio for full details 🍂 .

#biotrace #puritymatters #stress #stresssupport #brainhealth #exerciserecovery #fitness #sportsrecovery #formula #adaptogens #adapt #stressadapt #berries #beauty #sports #nz #sportsnz #homeworkout #kylatisnes #happy #isntadaily #brainfunction #selfhelp #biotrace #wellness
Happy Friday 🍃 Make sure you pause this weekend, it’s very hot, Electrolytes are essential at this time of year 🍃 see our website for details
Our Phyto C is completely plant-based and amazing! If you’ve tried many vitamin C formulas, we strongly encourage plant-based blends. They are far more absorbable for the body and bring more energy to the cells ✨🍃 we notice a big difference in our formula compared to other synthetic versions on the market, as it has been formulated for complete cell resonance and cellular energy ✨🍃
Do you know what is actually in your supplements? We do. This is just one example - these are the Berries of the Amla Tree (Embilca officinalis) how beautiful are they? These beautiful berries are the only ingredient in our Phyto C 💓 Not only that, our vitamin C is 100% Certified Organic and made from the Amla Berry, which means we have a pure excipient free plant based formula that is superior to synthetic abscorbic acid forms of vitamin C. Exactly what the body prefers, a formula that is close to nature. So when you take it, it is highly bioavailable and better for your body. The Alma berry is so special that one berry alone contains as much vitamin C as two oranges, it is also a rich source of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and b vitamins but also loaded with antioxidants. We love this product over winter, for adrenal health, skin, immunity, energy, longevity and optimal health. See link in our bio for full details and why natural plant based products are superior 🌿🍋🍊 .

#tumeric #naturopathauckland #wellness #newzealand #auckland #clinic #health #wellbeing #beauty #detox #heavymetaldetox #recipes #naturopathy #naturalsupplements #bestproducts #onehunga #organic #antioxidants #clean #cleaneating #vegan #biotrace #nz #livingsourcepeanuts
CMD is another essential in our summer kit. We love this for the whole family, it is economical and everyone can add this to their water to bring it alive and remineralise it 💙
It is so hot at the moment and very important for all of us to make sure we are hydrated. BioTrace Elite Electrolyte Liquid is an exceptional source of electrolytes, minerals and trace elements in a 100% natural, sugar-free concentrate. It enables you to easily and affordably turn your plain water into a convenient sports performance drink that is suitable for all busy, active people including athletes and children and for the elderly. Supports rapid hydration. This product is Bio-available and instantly absorbed. It may help to support body water balance, body temperature, muscles & nerves. Very economical. Suitable for all ages including young ones when they are at school, when people are sick and need quality electrolytes and athletes, as they  can suffer if the electrolytes lost through sweating are not replaced. Frequent exercise or persistent stress can also deplete magnesium and potassium in the body leading to muscle tension. This can also occur during or after vigorous exercise in a hot environment mainly due to sodium loss. Did you know dehydration reduces the body’s ability to acclimatise to temperature changes in the environment. Elite also contains 72 naturally occurring minerals and trace elements in a sea mineral concentrate. Elite Electrolyte Liquid contains almost equal amounts of ionic sodium and potassium, along with ionic magnesium and zinc to support other biochemical processes 🍃 the perfect staple for the whole family, for more details see link in our bio 🍃
These four supplements are so supportive for health 🍃 Magnesium for general health, stress & adrenal support, Glutathione for antioxidant and liver support, vitamin c for cellular repair, adrenals and immunity and Betaine HCL to support healthy production of stomach acid and digestion. All three of these can make a noticeable difference to overall health. To read more on each of these, check the link in our Bio. Would you like us to feature more info on supplements and what they can be used for? What would you like to learn from our platform?🌿🍃
BREATHE // Take time to centre yourself. Especially at work or in times of stress. A simple breathing technique that you can do at your desk or in the car is alternate nostril breathing, this helps to settle both left and right hemispheres of the brain and bridge them. To practice alternate nostril breathing:
Sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed or where every you find yourself needing to settle the nervous system. Place your left hand on your left knee or lap. 
Lift your right hand up toward your nose.Exhale completely and then use your right thumb to close your right nostril. If you want to see how this works in more details and to practice there are lots of good references on YouTube if you look up “alternate nostril breathing” or Nadi Shodhana. What are other breathing techniques that you have tried. We also find our Bio Magnesium Citrate and Bio Relax Complete very helpful in times of stress, especially at night before bed with a cup of chamomile tea ✨
Phyto C is one of our staple products. It’s all plant-based and so well absorbed and so well tolerated by the body ✨ what form of vitamin C are you currently using? Have you tried a bio-available formula and noticed a difference.
We’ve been making smoothies over the weekend for the whole family and super boosting them with our Multi-trace Minerals (without added copper) and Phyto C opened and added. We find this is a good way to get the minerals into the whole family and added vitamin c for immunity. If you have small children or people that don’t like to swallow pills, hiding supplements and minerals in smoothies can be a great way for them to get their extra supplements in 👌💫🌞
Have you tried our Bio Vital Enzymes? Do you have trouble digesting certain foods and absorbing them? Are you low on certain nutrients? Then perhaps looking at your digestion and adding simple digestive support is a good place to start. Our BioVital Enzymes are porcine free vegetarian enzymes with a complex of digestive and pancreatic enzymes to help with digestion and gastrointestinal health. This product helps to support the digestion of proteins, fats, dairy, soy, plant fibres legumes, grains and sugars. We recommend taking 1-2 capsules with your meal or as directed by your practitioner. Many people notice a huge difference in their healthy by supporting their digestive system 🌿💫🍃 Have you tried our enzymes? Pic via beautiful @lucyfrancesbarclay
Happy Long Weekend from Us. We are open till 430pm for any last minute orders or we will see you all on Tuesday. Make sure over the weekend, you get time outside, nature is the best medicine we have. What would you like to see or learn more about on this account? We have exciting things in the pipeline for 2020 we also love to hear from all of our amazing clients and about our products so if your passionate about them like we are. Then tag us in your posts and share the love and the Biotrace Story. Robin who is the Founder of Biotrace works so hard to bring you all the best ingredients and the best in naturopathic health care, so it’s lovely when we get feedback from you all 🍃 stay safe everyone 🍃
Have you tried our Biotrace Glutathione with Broccoli Sprouts - this product provides comprehensive antioxidant support with HiActives® Broccoli Sprout Powder and Glutathione. 
Glutathione is known as the master anti-oxidant and plays an important role in the body by protecting our cells from metabolic stress and toxic chemicals. Unfortunately as we age our levels of Glutathione naturally decline. 
Glutathione is needed for phase 2 detoxification in the liver. It attaches to environmental toxins like pesticides, toxic metals and alcohol making them more water soluble and therefore able to be excreted. The Broccoli sprouts in this formula have between 10-100 times more Glucoraphanin than mature broccoli heads. Glucroaphanin is a Glucosinolate precursor to the Isothiocyanate Sulforaphane. And Sulforaphane may support detoxification; immune function; and bone, heart, and brain health. 
This is a Vegan and gluten free formula with no harmful excipients. For more details check our website for the full benefits of this amazing formula.
Do you have a self-care plan? Is it something that you have ever thought about for yourself? Sometimes self-care can be hard to implement. That is when seeing a Naturopath can be such a wonderful gift. A Naturopath can look at your health goals & any health issues, and they can also help you to make a holistic plan based of your individual needs and biochemistry. We have amazing practitioners at our Living Source Clinic - We see amazing results and love helping people. If this is something for you then check out the Living Source Clinic tab on our website. Or message us, we are only too happy to talk through options. We also have an amazing array of health tools that we know work, such as PEMF machine (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) amazibg for pain and cellular restoration, HTMA & OLIGISCAN (tools to measure minerals and toxic metals in the body), ZYTO Scan (bio communication scan), Clay Packing (which works on trauma and scars), Dental Packing (for after amalgam removal), detox and mercury protocols and Vibratrain for the Lymphatic System. We really know what we are doing and have been helping people for years. We love the work we do and all the wonderful tools and supplements we have access to to help people improve their health and lives ✨
TRACEMINERALS 🌟 Why are they so important? Did you know one of our key products is traceminerals. CMD (concentrated mineral drops) ELITE (mineral electrolytes), Multi-Trace (Multi mineral formula), individual trace minerals such as Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium, chromium and Boron to name a few. Trace minerals = cellular energy, they are the base needs for the body, they are the coenzymes for all of the other biochemical processes in the body. They all work in relationship to each other, either they antagonise or they are a synergist to each other. It’s so important to understand this for our bodies. You can give CMD to the whole family, and ELITE is amazing for children and athletes. If you have more specific mineral needs then the multi and individual minerals are very helpful formulas. Here is a small diagram of just some of the minerals and the organs they relate too. From this you can see they are widely used. Make sure you’re getting your minerals #gamechanger #mineraltherapy #cellularhealth #cellularmedicine #minerals #mineraldrops #zinc #boron #magnesium #multitrace #cmd #elite #ele
EYE HEALTH // these are just a few nutrients for keeping your eyesight keen as you age. Vitamins C try our Phyto C, vitamin E, zinc we recommend Bio El Zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants such as Tumeric Complete and minerals. It’s important to reduce exposure to free radicals and sugar in the diet. Eyes and the tissues of eye area are very sensitive and often get very affect by what we put into our body. You can absolutely improve your eye health, all of these listed tips play a role in eye health. They can help prevent cataracts, clouding of your eye lens - don’t forget to eat lots of Vitiman A rich foods too, carrots, pumpkin & kumera 🍃
ELEMENTAL MULTI-TRACE NO ADDED COPPER // Our Biotrace Multi-Trace provides 100% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Chromium and Molybdenum plus Boron, Magnesium and surface in a pure, soluble, ionic form - this is the form most widely used by the body which makes them SUPER bioavailable, and SUPERCHARGES the body and the brings energy to your cells. It also contains our popular CMD which is naturally sourced from the Dead Sea in Jordan, this provides up to 72 trace elements that are often missing from our diet. This elemental formula is formulated to provide nutritionally significant amounts of critical minerals - which may support heart health, bone health, digestive health, energy and hormone balance. We recommend these as a staple product and they can be used for the whole family. We recommend using (no added copper) unless your under the care of a health care practitioner. Have you tried our elementals? To see our full range check our website, we have single elements as well 🍃
Brain Health // Have you tried our Cogni Complex? These are Gingko Leaves - Gingko is a key ingredient in our Cogni Complex. Which is a herbal formula designed to support brain health, mental clarity and focus. If you look at the leaves of Gingko they even look like the brain. .

If you need some cognitive support and to enhance your brain function, then perhaps this is the right blend for you. Check our website for full details. .

#brainhealth #antioxidant #congnitivefunction #sustainability #brain #cognitivesupport #memory #help #brainhealth #health #vegan #clean #plantbased #natural #pure #herbs #herbalblend #gingko #moodsupport #depressionhelp #newzeland #cleanliving #highperformancehabits
Radiant Tumeric 🌞 Plant based beauty filled with color. .

Curcumin is an amazing antioxidant and healing in so many ways. Curcumin is the key active ingredient in turmeric. Three notable curcuminoids are curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Of these, curcumin is the most active and most beneficial to health. .

Curcumin, which represents about 2–8% of most turmeric preparations, gives turmeric its distinct color and flavor. Curcumin is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. .

BioTrace Curcumin BioPerine® contains high dose curcumin with piperine to aid absorption. All of our products are pure herbal extracts in vegetable capsules ensure no nasty excipients (such as tableting agents) are required.

It may be helpful for those who need  brain function and mood support.  Heart function and circulation. Muscle and skeletal function and liver, gallbladder and digestive function. .

To read more head to our site or call us, we are always happy to inspire wisdom about what is best for each individual person. .

#tumeric #plantbased #antioxidants #antiinflammatorydiet #antiinflammatoryfood #antiaging #health #healthyrecipes #healthyeating #fitnessmotivation #vegan #veganfood #veganrecipes #plantbaseddiet #plantsmakepeoplehappy
MAGNESIUM - Which magnesium is best for you? Magnesium deficiency can lead to all sorts of symptoms. .

At Biotrace we have Citrate and Bisgylcinate. Both are the most bioavailable forms that you can get and easily absorbed by the body. Which type you choose would depend on your constitution. .

The Bisglycinate has the glycine molecule bound to it, glycine is a soothing amino acid that can also help to calm the nervous system and promote sleep. It is best suited for people that get gastrointestinal symptoms from taking other forms of magnesium or people who need that extra soothing component and extra sensitive digestive systems. .

Magnesium Citrate is bound to citric acid and is also highly absorbable and bioavailable. This is recommended for people that have more of a tendency to slow bowls and need to replenish their magnesium stores quickly that may be depleted. .
Magnesium can be used for nervous system support, adrenal Health, brain function, muscle function and energy and is especially helpful in times of stress and our daily lives.
#biotrace #wellness #beauty #products #magnesium #pure #citrate #adrenalhealth #fatigue #healthcare #natural #fun #instagram #instadaily #biotrace #puritymatters #pure #weightloss #fitnessmotivation
Biotrace CMD // Concentrated Mineral Drops contains up to 72 naturally occurring minerals and trace elements in a low sodium sea mineral concentrate that is sourced from the Dead Sea. CMD is an affordable way to mineralise your water. Did you know that traceminerals are an essential need for our body - minerals are continually used by our body, so ensuring that we have adequate minerals stores is important for energy and overall health. Adding in CMD can make such a difference to the whole family. Studies show that sea water minerals salts can support pH balance due to its natural alkaline state and that the composition of it is very similar to human plasma. This is one of our Biotrace favorites and key products ✨
Vitamin C 💫✨🍊🍋 But not just any vitamin C, we recommend Phyto C - our vitamin C is Certified Organic and made from the Amla Berry, which means we have a pure excipient free plant based formula that is superior to synthetic abscorbic acid forms of vitamin C. Exactly what the body prefers, a formula that is close to nature. So when you take it, it is highly bioavailable and better for your body. The Alma berry is so special that one berry alone contains as much vitamin C as two oranges, it is also a rich source of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and b vitamins but also loaded with antioxidants. We love this product over winter, for adrenal health, skin, immunity, energy, longevity and optimal health. See link in our bio for full details and why natural plant based products are superior 🌿🍋🍊 . .

#health #medicalmedium #quantum #medicine #natural #bestproducts #biotrace #newzealamd #vitamins #wellness #vitaminc #tumeric #beauty #detox #digestivesupport #biotrace #curcumin #healing #instadaily #insta #happy #health #beauty #liverdetox #naturopathauckland #naturopath #naturalhealthauckland #wellness
Why take natural supplements? At Biotrace we see the benefits of well sourced plant based, excipient free, pure supplements. We see people get better, feel happier and improve their health. We truely believe in what we do and love our work. If you’re struggling with your health, make it a priority in 2020. You don’t need to suffer, natural medicine is an amazing way to support your health and wellness. We have a whole retail range available to you all and specialised practitioners at our Living Source Clinic if you need more guided support. So how are you wanting to make change and do better in 2020? Tag someone who could benefit from some Biotrace goodness in their life and go into the draw to win one of our Multi Trace Mineral formulas. Simply, tag a friend in this post, like and follow us. Draw closes on 31st January 2020. For New Zealand and Australian Residents only ✨
We are back and taking orders! And now is the best time to focus on your health. Ask yourself, what are your goals for 2020? how do you want to feel? What is a priority for you? Feeling good in mind, body and spirit is something we really value at Biotrace and we love seeing people do well and feel good. We also have wonderful practitioners here, so if you need extra support, take a look at our Living Source Clinic and make a booking with one of our naturopaths✨
Did you know that these are Schisandra berries, also known as (Schisandra chinensis). .

This pretty berry is used extensively in traditional Chinese practice. Research studies show that it may support heart health, liver, kidney and brain function.

It is also one of the herbs in our Bio Adapt Formula. Which is a lovely product to help with Stress and fatigue support. It may also support brain health, support healthy ageing, exercise recovery and heart health.

See link in our bio for full details 🍂 .

#biotrace #puritymatters #stress #stresssupport #brainhealth #exerciserecovery #fitness #sportsrecovery #formula #adaptogens #adapt #stressadapt #berries #beauty #sports #nz #sportsnz #homeworkout #kylatisnes #happy #isntadaily #brainfunction #selfhelp #biotrace #wellness
Summer Essentials! Happy 2020 everyone ✨
Holiday Essentials 💛
Happy Holidays 🐚 Make sure you’re making the most of present time with your friends and family. It’s such a good time for a reset too.
One more sleep until Christmas and indulgence and we’ve made sure we have Betaine HCL and Digestive Enzymes to support our body over the silly season. Whist this is a celebratory time of year, there can be discomfort in the overeating - did you know, there are a few key things you can do to help your body out? The use of Digestive Enzymes and Betaine HCL, especially if you have digestive issues, can help to break the food down and provide natural digestive support, both these products can make a huge difference to digestion, absorption and the production of stomach acid. Betaine HCL is an excellent general digestive aid, which can help promote the absorption of macro nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients (minerals and vitamins, especially B12, iron and calcium). Research studies show that supplementing with Betaine HCL may support digestion and absorption in people with low stomach acid and support normal liver function, both are areas to consider when regulating the digestive system. Adequate levels of HCL are also required for metabolism thus Betaine HCL May support normal blood lipids levels, blood pressure & cardiovascular health. We recommend this product as a base if you’re aiming to regulate your system. Complimentary products that can be added for general health is also our Elemental Zinc, Phyto B and Magnesium formulas. Adding in these key supplements can make a huge difference to energy, mood and overall health and happiness🍃⭐️ you can order online or we are available in most health stores and pharmacy across New Zealand ✨
Let’s talk about supplements - Did you know that not all supplements and pills are created equal. If you’re wanting to improve your health, then it is so important that you think about the supplements you are using? Your body will always favour, bioavailable clean food- based supplements over synthetic excipient filled ones. So check the labels of your supplements and do some research of your own about the forms. We assure you that it will make a difference using quality ones. All of our blends are sourced from highly accredited places, researched and tested to assure that they are resonant with the body and bioavailable. Maybe over this holiday period take the time to review this and make small changes, it means your health will be 100% in 2020. If you have any questions about our products please don’t hesitate to message us. We are still open today for any last minute orders ✨
Brain Health // Have you tried our Cogni Complex? These are Gingko Leaves - Gingko is a key ingredient in our Cogni Complex. Which is a herbal formula designed to support brain health, mental clarity and focus. If you look at the leaves of Gingko they even look like the brain. .

If you need some cognitive support and to enhance your brain function, then perhaps this is the right blend for you. Check our website for full details. .

#brainhealth #antioxidant #congnitivefunction #sustainability #brain #cognitivesupport #memory #help #brainhealth #health #vegan #clean #plantbased #natural #pure #herbs #herbalblend #gingko #moodsupport #depressionhelp #newzeland #cleanliving #highperformancehabits
Happy & Christmas Hours // To all our wonderful customers thank you for all your support over 2019, your support means we are able to uphold our ethos and continue providing excellence in the area of health & wellness. We will be closed from the 24th of December to the 6th of January. We also wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday season! From all of the team here at Biotrace ✨
TRACEMINERALS FOR CHRISTMAS 🌟 Why are they so important? Did you know one of our key products is traceminerals. CMD (concentrated mineral drops) ELITE (mineral electrolytes), Multi-Trace (Multi mineral formula), individual trace minerals such as Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium, chromium and Boron to name a few. Trace minerals = cellular energy, they are the base needs for the body, they are the coenzymes for all of the other biochemical processes in the body. They all work in relationship to each other, either they antagonise or they are a synergist to each other. It’s so important to understand this for our bodies. You can give CMD to the whole family, and ELITE is amazing for children and athletes. If you have more specific mineral needs then the multi and individual minerals are very helpful formulas. Here is a small diagram of just some of the minerals and the organs they relate too. From this you can see they are widely used. Make sure you’re getting your minerals #gamechanger #mineraltherapy #cellularhealth #cellularmedicine #minerals #mineraldrops #zinc #boron #magnesium #multitrace #cmd #elite #electrolytes #health #qra #biotrace #auckland
PREGNANCY // We have some really beautiful clean plant based supplements for pregnancy that you can add in. Our Organic Iron being one of them. Iron deficiency is common in vegetarians, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age. It is associated with fatigue, reduced work capacity, reduced mood and brain function.

Iron is essential for oxygen transport in the blood, electron transport and cellular respiration. Research shows that iron supplementation may support energy in people with low iron.

Sufficient iron is very important during pregnancy to support both the mother and the developing neonate. BioTrace Organic Iron is more digestive friendly than other forms of iron due to its co-nutrients and co-factors. If you feel this is a good add in for you, and would like to read more check the link in our bio or DM us, our friendly naturopath is available to answer product questions.
Some of our favourites via @sacredtherapeutics
Vitamin C is one of our staples💫✨🍊🍋 But not just any vitamin C, we recommend Phyto C - our vitamin C is Certified Organic and made from the Amla Berry, which means we have a pure excipient free plant based formula that is superior to synthetic abscorbic acid forms of vitamin C. Exactly what the body prefers, a formula that is close to nature. So when you take it, it is highly bioavailable and better for your body. The Alma berry is so special that one berry alone contains as much vitamin C as two oranges, it is also a rich source of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and b vitamins but also loaded with antioxidants. We love this product over winter, for adrenal health, skin, immunity, energy, longevity and optimal health. See link in our bio for full details and why natural plant based products are superior 🌿🍋🍊 . .

#health #medicalmedium #quantum #medicine #natural #bestproducts #biotrace #newzealamd #vitamins #wellness #vitaminc #tumeric #beauty #detox #digestivesupport #biotrace #curcumin #healing #instadaily #insta #happy #health #beauty #liverdetox #naturopathauckland #naturopath #naturalhealthauckland #wellness
Have you tried our Bio Iodine Plus? This formula is a synergistic blend, that includes the antioxidant properties of parsley and kelp. It is important to maintain good iodine levels for many essential bodily processes, including normal growth and development. Iodine is necessary for the normal function of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate body metabolism – the biochemical process of converting oxygen and the calories from food and drinks into energy. Body metabolism affects hormone and temperature regulation, and the ability to gain or lose weight. Kelp is an antioxidant herb which is naturally rich in elemental iodine. Iodine-rich herbs such as kelp are shown in studies to support iodine deficiency without causing the oxidative stress associated with excessive intake of potassium iodate / iodide.
Parsley works synergistically with kelp in helping to protect the thyroid gland from oxidative stress. Parsley is scientifically validated as an antioxidant herb for supporting liver, brain and digestive health. It supports healthy glutathione and SOD (superoxide dismutase) production in the liver, both essential for detoxification ✨ we love this plant-based blend, for more details. See link in our bio.
MAGNESIUM - Which magnesium is best for you? Magnesium deficiency can lead to all sorts of symptoms. .

At Biotrace we have Citrate and Bisgylcinate. Both are the most bioavailable forms that you can get and easily absorbed by the body. Which type you choose would depend on your constitution. .

The Bisglycinate has the glycine molecule bound to it, glycine is a soothing amino acid that can also help to calm the nervous system and promote sleep. It is best suited for people that get gastrointestinal symptoms from taking other forms of magnesium or people who need that extra soothing component and extra sensitive digestive systems. .

Magnesium Citrate is bound to citric acid and is also highly absorbable and bioavailable. This is recommended for people that have more of a tendency to slow bowls and need to replenish their magnesium stores quickly that may be depleted. .
Magnesium can be used for nervous system support, adrenal Health, brain function, muscle function and energy and is especially helpful in times of stress and our daily lives.
#biotrace #wellness #beauty #products #magnesium #pure #citrate #adrenalhealth #fatigue #healthcare #natural #fun #instagram #instadaily #biotrace #puritymatters #pure #weightloss #fitnessmotivation
Monday morning ritual. Green smoothie - with Multi-trace no added copper, Elemental Zinc and Phyto C added. Just to super boost the morning! 🌿 we always add our CMD and Elete to our drink bottles and drink this over the day 🌿
Morning ritual! Zinc is best taken with food to avoid feeling sick. What is your morning ritual. Adding in supplements, lemon water, mediation, mindfulness, yoga or breathing can be a wonderful way to start the day 💫
Happy Friday! A big part of health is HAPPINESS! Make sure you spend time with your loved ones outside enjoying life this weekend, especially now it is summer, make the most of the warm weather and the sun ✨🌞
We love blending herbs into our formulas. Especially ones that support the body with nutrients. Have you tried our Bio Iodine Plus? This formula is a synergistic blend, that includes the antioxidant properties of parsley and kelp. It is important to maintain good iodine levels for many essential bodily processes, including normal growth and development. Iodine is necessary for the normal function of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate body metabolism – the biochemical process of converting oxygen and the calories from food and drinks into energy. Body metabolism affects hormone and temperature regulation, and the ability to gain or lose weight. Kelp is an antioxidant herb which is naturally rich in elemental iodine. Iodine-rich herbs such as kelp are shown in studies to support iodine deficiency without causing the oxidative stress associated with excessive intake of potassium iodate / iodide.
Parsley works synergistically with kelp in helping to protect the thyroid gland from oxidative stress. Parsley is scientifically validated as an antioxidant herb for supporting liver, brain and digestive health. It supports healthy glutathione and SOD (superoxide dismutase) production in the liver, both essential for detoxification ✨ we love this plant-based blend, for more details. See link in our bio.
Curcumin BioPerine - look at the color of this product, pure plant based radiance. This is an amazing antioxidant for healing in so many ways. Curcumin is the key active ingredient in turmeric. Three notable curcuminoids are curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Of these, curcumin is the most active and most beneficial to health. .

Curcumin, which represents about 2–8% of most turmeric preparations, gives turmeric its distinct color and flavor. Curcumin is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. .

BioTrace Curcumin BioPerine® contains high dose curcumin with piperine to aid absorption. All of our products are pure herbal extracts in vegetable capsules ensure no nasty excipients (such as tableting agents) are required.

It may be helpful for those who need brain function and mood support. Heart function and circulation. Muscle and skeletal function and liver, gallbladder and digestive function. .

To read more head to our site or call us, we are always happy to inspire wisdom about what is best for each individual person. .

#tumeric #plantbased #antioxidants #antiinflammatorydiet #antiinflammatoryfood #antiaging #health #healthyrecipes #healthyeating #fitnessmotivation #vegan #veganfood #veganrecipes #plantbaseddiet #plantsmakepeoplehappy®
How amazing was this summer weather over the weekend. As a staple for you and your family we recommend CMD (concentrated mineral drops) and our Elete electrolytes. Such a good add in for the whole family. These minerals can be added to water and drink throughout the day and make a huge difference to our health and wellness ✨
Good Morning!! We have done our Sunday morning ritual. Made a smoothie, we like adding CMD & Zinc to our morning smoothie for the whole family, been for a walk and now we are about to go to the local cafe. If you have a family, having supplements that support everyone can be helpful. We recommend a few basics as support for overall family health. These are CMD, Elete Electrolytes (especially in summer, for kids if you’re going to the beach, out in the sun or doing lots of sports), Phyto C and Zinc for immunity. What are your Biotrace favorites?
Daily Matcha latte - we have been swapping this for coffee and adding in our minerals, plus vitamin C to start our day. If you’re trying to minimise your coffee or recovering from stress or adrenal fatigue then matcha and minerals could be a good replacement 🍵
If you have trouble with taking pills, you can use our mineral drops and add them to your favourite smoothie blend or water. You can also open the capsules and add them to your smoothies if you want an extra boost of key nutrients like vitamin C, organic Iron and CoQ10. We also love taking digestive enzymes (Biovital Enzymes) and Bio Betaine HCL to  help the body absorb and break down food. If your low in nutrients, then digestive support and added minerals can make a huge difference ✨ shop link in our bio.
Did you know that curcumin is a super antioxidant and may support joint, brain, heart, circulation and digestive function by helping to fight free radicals ✨ Studies show that piperine may improve the bioavailability of curcumin, thereby promoting the absorption of curcumin throughout the body. Curcumin BioPerine® with piperine has more active curcuminoids than whole turmeric root or curcumin alone. This formula may also support the muscular system, bones and joints, and people who typically have cold hands and feet, it may also be useful for gallbladder and liver health, good digestion, and healthy blood lipid levels and studies have shown that curcumin may also support normal brain function and positive mood ✨ .⁠
#supplements #yogaauckland #yoga #movement #instasmoothie #healthyfood #superfoodshake #superfooddrink #superfoodblend #smoothieking #smoothietimeofday #smoothielover #smoothielife #healthysmoothie #superfoodsmoothie #smoothietime #smoothielove #smoothie #wellnessnz #smoothies #health #beauty #kitchen #turmericbenefits #vegetables #antioxidant #turmericlatte
Customer favorites via @breeleroux both of our magnesium’s are very popular. Bree loves our magnesium citrate, it’s a staple in her daily routine for sleep, stress and energy 🌟
Happy Monday // We are feeling so inspired seeing so much good around Men’s Wellness, especially the Instagram account @mens_medicine we love what they are doing. In light of this, here are a few of our favorite products for men’s health - especially men that live busy stressful lives - we recommend Bio Elemental Zinc, Elete Electrolytes, Phyto C, CMD, Magnesium Citrate & Betaine HCL - This has been designed as a basic supportive bundle, we also offer this bundle as part of a corporate men’s health programme where they have noticed huge changes from adding this in to their routine. A health bundle could also be a nice Christmas present idea or gift that supports health and wellbeing. You can collect these bundles via our online store or message us for extra guidance ✨image via @musephotography_thelifeofamuse #biotrace #wellness #beauty #products #magnesium #pure #citrate #adrenalhealth #fatigue #healthcare #natural #fun #instagram #instadaily #biotrace #puritymatters #pure #weightloss #vitaminc #beauty #healthybreakfast #menshealth #men #fitness #healing #detoxnz #healthnz #healthclinic
Organic Iron 🌿 Did you know that our iron is pure plant based and derived from curry leaf extract that is 100% organic certified. Which means it provides bioavailable stomach friendly iron with the added natural antioxidants just the way nature intended. .

Iron is an essential blood mineral. It helps to oxygenate the blood, and support energy and thyroid function. .

This product can be used in pregnancy and is very gentle. It can be very beneficial to support and restore iron levels. Ideal for vegans too as it’s completely vegan 🍃
TRACEMINERALS 🌟 Why are they so important? Did you know one of our key products is traceminerals. CMD (concentrated mineral drops) ELITE (mineral electrolytes), Multi-Trace (Multi mineral formula), individual trace minerals such as Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium, chromium and Boron to name a few. Trace minerals = cellular energy, they are the base needs for the body, they are the coenzymes for all of the other biochemical processes in the body. They all work in relationship to each other, either they antagonise or they are a synergist to each other. It’s so important to understand this for our bodies. You can give CMD to the whole family, and ELITE is amazing for children and athletes. If you have more specific mineral needs then the multi and individual minerals are very helpful formulas too #gamechanger #mineraltherapy #cellularhealth #cellularmedicine #minerals #mineraldrops #zinc #boron #magnesium #multitrace #cmd #elite #electrolytes #health #qra #biotrace #auckland
Have you tried AloePro - Aloe Vera Juice is such a soothing plant medicine, it has broad spectrum benefits - but it’s important to drink pure organic supplement grade aloe Vera. There are many benefits of drinking this healthy elixir in juice form, it provides a number of health benefits such as helping body pH (extremely alkalising plant), May support the liver, hydration of cells and skin (an amazing beauty tonic), digestion (May soothe the digestive tract), it’s also packed with nutrients and minerals that can help to support optimal health.  We stock only the best  Aloe Vera, which is from PRL (Premier Research Labs) - which provides pure organic Aloe Vera juice. This formula is non diluted, no added sugars or fillers. This is a beneficial plant based supplement for daily use. We love this health elixir, especially for beauty (glowing skin) and digestion 🌿✨
Image via @sacredtherapeutics our Magnesium Bisglycinate and CoQ10. We have 3 forms of magnesium available - Bisglycinate, Citrate and Elemental. Depending on your needs, all are amazing bio available forms of magnesium. For more details shop the link in our bio ✨ 
#biotrace #wellness #beauty #products #magnesium #pure #citrate #adrenalhealth #fatigue #healthcare #natural #fun #instagram #instadaily #biotrace #puritymatters #pure #weightloss #vitaminc #beauty #healthybreakfast #menshealth #men #fitness #healing #detoxnz #healthnz #healthclinic
Men’s Health // Here are a few of our favorite products for men’s health - especially men that live busy stressful lives - we recommend Bio Elemental Zinc, Elete Electrolytes, Phyto C, CMD, Magnesium Citrate & Betaine HCL - This has been designed as a basic supportive bundle, we also offer this bundle as part of a corporate men’s health programme where they have noticed huge changes from adding this in to their routine. A health bundle could also be a nice Christmas present idea or gift that supports health and wellbeing. You can collect these bundles via our online store or message us for extra guidance ✨image via @musephotography_thelifeofamuse #biotrace #wellness #beauty #products #magnesium #pure #citrate #adrenalhealth #fatigue #healthcare #natural #fun #instagram #instadaily #biotrace #puritymatters #pure #weightloss #vitaminc #beauty #healthybreakfast #menshealth #men #fitness #healing #detoxnz #healthnz #healthclinic