Showing 193–204 of 233 results
QuantumRX Ionic Electrolytes with Citrus
QuantumRX Ionic Electrolytes with Citrus
Product SummaryQuantumRX Ionic Electrolytes with Citrus is an exceptional source of electrolytes, minerals and trace elements in a 100% natural, sugar-free concentrate. It enables you to easily and affordably turn your plain water into a convenient sports performance drink that is suitable for all busy, active people including athletes and children and for the elderly.
More InformationWhy QuantumRX Ionic Electrolytes?
- Supports rapid hydration
- Bio-available and instantly absorbed
- Supports body water balance
- Supports body temperature
- Supports muscles & nerves
- Naturally sourced
- Sugar, carbohydrate and excipient free
- Economical and convenient to use
- No mould or residue in your hydration pack
- Suitable for all ages
Athletic performance can suffer if the electrolytes lost through sweating are not replaced. Frequent exercise or persistent stress can deplete magnesium and potassium in the body leading to muscle tension. This can also occur during or after vigorous exercise in a hot environment mainly due to sodium loss.
Dehydration reduces the body’s ability to acclimatise to temperature changes in the environment. Scientific research shows that hydrating with a drink containing sodium and potassium before and after exercise sustains your body water balance for hours longer than just plain water.
QuantumRX Ionic Electrolytes with Citrus contains almost equal amounts of ionic sodium and potassium, along with ionic magnesium to support exercise performance and recovery, and chloride to help support fluid balance.
Elite with Zest also contains citric acid for a refreshing hint of lemony flavour.
SKU: 450-130 Categories: Brand, QuantumRX, Practitioner Range Tags: Children's Health citrilyte electrolytes elete Minerals Sport -
QuantumRX Ionic Minerals
Rated 5.00 out of 5QuantumRX Ionic Minerals
Product SummaryQuantumRX Ionic Minerals is an exceptional source of minerals and trace elements in a natural, concentrated solution that enables you to easily and affordably mineralise your own water.
More InformationThe human body requires minerals and trace elements to support numerous biological functions. There are several reasons why mineral deficiencies are so common in the Western world:
- Intensive farming uses synthetic fertilisers that contain only a few macro-minerals required for food to grow, but few of the micro-minerals required for human health
- Pollution and industrialisation can cause toxic metal accumulation. Toxic metals compete with mineral absorption in the body
- Taking non-ionic or synthetic mineral supplements or drugs in excess can upset the equilibrium of other minerals and trace elements in the body
In 1897, French biologist René Quinton proved that the concentration of minerals and trace elements found in sea water is very similar in composition to that found in human plasma.
Studies show that not only does sea water contain a wealth of mineral salts and trace elements, but it can also support pH balance because it is naturally alkaline (pH 7.9 – 8.3).
QuantumRX Ionic Minerals contains up to 72 naturally occurring minerals and trace elements in a low sodium sea mineral concentrate sourced from the Dead Sea in Jordan.
- Bio-available, liquid mineral concentrate with up to 72 naturally occurring trace elements
- Supports mineral balance with a mineral composition close to healthy human plasma
- Low in sodium, high in magnesium
- Economical and flexible dosage form for the whole family
SKU: 450-160-1 Categories: Brand, QuantumRX, Practitioner Range Tags: bioions Blood Sugar Bone & Joint Detoxification Energy Minerals Mood & Sleep Stress -
QuantumRX Manapa
QuantumRX Manapa
Product SummaryQuantumRX Manapa is a herbal extract derived from Desmodium molliculum, a perennial plant that is native to South America. It provides cleansing and detoxification support for the whole body.
More InformationQuantumRX Manapa is ecologically wildcrafted with respect to sustainability. It may support the liver, kidney and lymphatic system in times of stress.
D. molliculum has been used medicinally for centuries in Peru and throughout the Andean region. Scientific research supports its antioxidant properties.
QuantumRX Manapa is primarily used for supporting detoxification. It may support blood cleansing and support the body through a Herxheimer reaction (detox symptoms).
Traditionally, D. molliculum is used for liver support, allergy support, digestive support and for helping to maintain a healthy weight.
D. molliculum has a long tradition of use for a variety of ailments. Herbal knowledge has been passed on orally down through the generations in the Peruvian Amazon.
- Ecologically wildcrafted
- May support detoxification
- May support the liver and kidneys
- May support the lymphatic system
We highly recommend that you are under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner while using this product. Please contact us for more information on the best ways to use this product.
SKU: 450-720 Categories: Botanicals, Brand, Practitioner Range, QuantumRX Tags: botanicals burbur nutramedix wildcrafted -
QuantumRX Mentosa
QuantumRX Mentosa
Product SummaryQuantumRX Mentosa is sourced from the woody bark of Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) vine, native to South and Central America.
Uncaria tomentosa has been used medicinally by Indian tribes in Peru for more than 2,000 years.
More InformationQuantumRX Mentosa is ecologically wildcrafted with respect to sustainability.
Uncaria tomentosa is traditionally used to support the immune system, respiratory health, digestive system, bowel health, joint health and as an antioxidant.
Scientific research shows that Uncaria tomentosa contains alkaloids that may support heart health and normal blood pressure.
Research also shows that Uncaria tomentosa contains several compounds that may support the immune system and gastrointestinal health.
Uncaria tomentosa has a long tradition of use for a variety of ailments and can be used as a general tonic. Herbal knowledge has been passed on orally down through the generations in the Peruvian Amazon.
- Ecologically wildcrafted
- May support immune system defence
- May support respiratory health
- May support gastrointestinal health
- May support heart health
We highly recommend that you are under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner while using this product. Please contact us for more information on the best ways to use this product.
SKU: 450-740 Categories: Brand, Botanicals, QuantumRX, Practitioner Range Tags: botanicals cat's claw nutramedix samento wildcrafted -
QuantumRX Mg Bisglycinate
Rated 5.00 out of 5QuantumRX Mg Bisglycinate
Product SummaryQuantumRX Mg Bisglycinate can be taken to support muscle function, energy, and the nervous system without the bowel tolerance issues associated with other forms of magnesium.
More InformationMagnesium Bisglycinate is a highly bio-available form of magnesium that is absorbed in the distal part of the small intestine as an intact amino acid. Due to ease of absorption it is ideal for those looking to correct a deficiency.
Magnesium is an essential cofactor for more than 300 chemical reactions within the body. Scientific research suggests that magnesium may support bone health, cardiovascular health, nerve conduction, muscle function and brain function.
QuantumRX Mg Bisglycinate is manufactured in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified plant and is an excipient free product. A high quality vegetable capsule ensures greater protection of encapsulated nutrients.
- Highly bio-available form of magnesium with no added ingredients (excipients)
- Doesn’t have the bowel tolerance issues associated with other forms of magnesium
- May assist the body in times of stress, low energy, poor sleep and mood imbalance
- May support the cardiovascular system and normal blood pressure levels
QuantumRX Mg Citrate
QuantumRX Mg Citrate
Product SummaryQuantumRX Mg Citrate offers magnesium, a mineral required as a cofactor for more than 300 chemical reactions within the body, in a highly bio-available form with no added ingredients.
More InformationDietary magnesium deficiency is common due to inconsistent levels in the soil. Low dietary magnesium is associated with stress, worry, sleep and low mood. Excess body fat may also contribute to the risk of magnesium deficiency because the increased release of the satiety hormone ‘leptin’ stimulates the influx of calcium into cells, displacing magnesium from binding sites.
Magnesium Citrate is a well absorbed form of magnesium that may support the body with normal energy levels, sleep and mood balance, adrenal gland health, brain function, muscle function and other bodily functions adversely associated with stress.
Scientific research suggests that magnesium citrate may be a good adjunct to conventional treatment for supporting the cardiovascular system and normal blood pressure levels.
QuantumRX Mg Citrate is manufactured in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified plant and is an excipient free product. A high quality capsule ensures greater protection of encapsulated nutrients.
- Highly bio-available form of magnesium with no added ingredients (excipients)
- May support the body during times of stress, poor sleep and mood imbalance
- May support the cardiovascular system and normal blood pressure levels
QuantumRX Mg+
QuantumRX Mg+
Product SummaryQuantumRX Mg+ is a concentrated liquid supplement that provides 105 mg of Magnesium per serve, in ionic form. This is the form most recognised by the body.
More InformationQuantumRX Mg+ also contains ionic minerals, naturally sourced from The Dead Sea in Jordan, providing up to 72 trace elements that may be missing from the diet.
Observations of reduced dietary magnesium intake in modern Western countries compared to earlier generations may be related to food refining and modern fertilisers that contain no magnesium.
Magnesium is an essential cofactor for more than 300 chemical reactions within the body. It may support the body with normal energy levels, sleep and mood balance, adrenal gland health, immunity, brain function, muscle function and other bodily functions adversely associated with stress.
Magnesium supports the absorption and assimilation of other minerals including calcium, phosphorous, sodium and potassium and vitamins such as B Complex Vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
Our QuantumRX Liquid Elemental range provides affordable, flexible dosage options of many essential minerals.
- Bio-available, liquid Magnesium concentrate with up to 72 naturally occurring trace elements
- May support the body during times of stress, poor sleep and mood imbalance
- May support the absorption of many essential vitamins and minerals including calcium, potassium and B vitamins
- Economical and flexible dosage form
SKU: 450-180 Categories: Brand, QuantumRX, Practitioner Range Tags: Blood Sugar Cardiovascular Detoxification Energy Minerals Mood & Sleep Sport Stress -
QuantumRX Microflora Support
QuantumRX Microflora Support
Product SummaryQuantumRX Microflora Support provides natural support in the maintenance of normal yeast levels and intestinal immunity.
More InformationAn imbalance in our normal gut flora can weaken the immune system and result in many symptoms including bloating, gassiness, digestive issues, sugar cravings and fatigue.
QuantumRX Microflora Support is a herbal blend that has been specifically designed to support a healthy balance of gut, skin and vaginal microflora and maintain optimum immune system defence against several invaders.
- May provide natural support in the maintenance of healthy yeast levels
- May support a healthy balance of gut, skin and vaginal microflora
- May provide immune support following antibiotic use
SKU: 450-650 Categories: Brand, QuantumRX, Practitioner Range Tags: candida candida support Digestion support -
QuantumRX Modified Citrus Pectin
QuantumRX Modified Citrus Pectin
Product SummaryModified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is a natural supplement derived from the white inner peel of citrus fruit. Research shows that it may support heavy metal detoxification, without causing adverse side-effects or disturbing essential minerals.
More InformationRapid industrialisation is causing high levels of toxic metals in our environment. Studies show that exposure through inhalation and ingestion is at unprecedented levels. Furthermore, high toxic metal levels correlate with many adverse health effects.
Unmodified citrus pectin is a non-digestible polysaccharide. MCP is citrus pectin broken down into a complex polysaccharide, creating a soluble fibre that is easy to digest and absorb.
Preliminary research shows that MCP may support kidney function. This is important when mobilising toxic metals as the kidneys need support to filter circulating toxins.
*Heavy metal detoxification should be administered by a trained health professional. BioTrace Practitioners specialise in this field.
BioTrace’s pure extracts in vegetable capsules ensure no nasty excipients (such as tableting agents) are required.
- Easy to digest and absorb
- Supports heavy metal detoxification
- Won’t disturb essential minerals
- May support kidney function
QuantumRX MT+ (no copper)
Rated 5.00 out of 5QuantumRX MT+ (no copper)
Product SummaryQuantumRX MT+ (no added copper) provides 100% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of zinc, selenium, manganese, chromium and molybdenum plus boron and magnesium in soluble, ionic form – the form most widely recognised by the body.
More InformationQuantumRX MT+ (no added copper) contains ionic minerals, naturally sourced from the Dead Sea in Jordan, providing up to 72 trace elements that may be missing from the diet.
The human body requires minerals and trace elements to support numerous biological functions. There are several reasons why mineral deficiencies are so common in the Western world:
- Intensive farming uses synthetic fertilisers that contain only a few macro-minerals required for food to grow, but few of the micro-minerals required for human health
- Pollution and industrialisation can cause toxic metal accumulation. Toxic metals compete with mineral absorption in the body
- Taking non-ionic or synthetic mineral supplements or drugs in excess can upset the equilibrium of other minerals and trace elements in the body
QuantumRX MT+ offers flexible dosing and bio-available multi-minerals. QuantumRX MT+ has minimal flavour when mixed with water or juice.
QuantumRX MT+ is formulated to provide nutritionally significant amounts of specific critical minerals and trace minerals including: Boron, chromium, magnesium, selenium and zinc. These minerals may support heart health, bone health, digestive health, energy production, and hormone balance.
- Bio-available, liquid mineral concentrate with up to 72 naturally occurring trace elements
- Providing 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for many essential minerals
- Economical and flexible dosage form
SKU: 450-200 Categories: Brand, QuantumRX, Practitioner Range Tags: Blood Sugar Brain & Cognition Children's Health Detoxification Energy Minerals -
QuantumRX MT+ (with copper)
QuantumRX MT+ (with copper)
Product SummaryMineral deficient soil can make it hard to get the recommended daily intake of minerals from our food. QuantumRX MT+ with copper offers flexible dosing and bio-available multi-minerals.
Note: Use MT+ without Copper unless there is a known copper deficiency.
More InformationQuantumRX MT+ with Copper contains minerals naturally sourced from the Dead Sea in Jordan, providing up to 72 trace elements that may be missing from the diet.
QuantumRX MT+ with copper provides 100% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium and molybdenum, plus boron and magnesium in soluble, ionic form – a form thought to be more readily absorbed by the body.
Copper is an essential element that may support hormone balance and iron absorption in copper deficient individuals.
Use this product only under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner.
Our QuantumRX liquid mineral range provides affordable, flexible dosage options of many essential minerals.
- Bio-available, liquid mineral concentrate with up to 72 naturally occurring trace elements
- Providing 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for many essential minerals
- May support iron absorption in copper deficient individuals
- Economical and flexible dosage form
SKU: 450-280 Categories: Brand, QuantumRX, Practitioner Range Tags: Blood Sugar Brain & Cognition Children's Health Detoxification Energy Minerals -
QuantumRX Ocular+
QuantumRX Ocular+
Product SummaryQuantumRX Ocular+ is a synergistic herbal formula designed to provide antioxidant support for eye health. It contains Lutein and Zeaxanthin along with a blend of scientifically researched herbs in a vegan capsule with no toxic excipients.
More InformationLutein and Zeaxanthin are carotenoid pigments that are powerful antioxidants. In a healthy eye, the retina and macula will contain high levels of these carotenoids where they provide protection for the eye against free radical damage and oxidative stress.
Studies have shown that Blackcurrant extract may support vision and eye health. Eyebright contains flavonoids which support healthy cornea cells.
Bilberry is high in antioxidants which may be protective against oxidative stress.
Gingko has been shown to support blood flow to the brain and exhibit antioxidant activity which may support visual acuity.
Grape Seed Extract contains proanthocyanidins which have been shown to exhibit antioxidant activity to protect the eye from oxidative damage.
QuantumRX Ocular+ is manufactured in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified plant and is an excipient free product.
- QuantumRX Ocular+ supports normal vision
- Natural herb-sourced carotenoids help to maintain a healthy retina
- Zeaxanthin & Lutein for eye support